Points Submission Process
POINTS RECORDING FORMS - Forms are available in Excel format by clicking the appropriate form type in the yellow boxes below. The formula is already built into the form and will provide first half subtotal, second half subtotal, and year-end total. Please add or delete rows as needed to keep everything on one page if at all possible. Please do not send points forms in JPG (photo) format as these will not be accepted.
Once members have completed their forms, they will need to enter the information required in the Submission Form below. To complete the submission, they should attach their completed file by selecting the "Click to Upload File +" button followed by clicking "Submit." OR forms may be emailed directly to Susan Harris, High Points Chair.
If you have trouble completing this process, contact susanfharris52@gmail.com.
These are not nomination forms. There is a separate page on this website for nominations.
These are the points forms to submit after you have earned points at the horse shows.