Frequently Asked Questions
ASAC High Point Awards
Do novice/limit rider and horse classes count?
Yes! Points will be allocated to the most appropriate category. In the pleasure divisions, points will go to adult or jr. exhibitor based on rider age. In open divisions, novice/limit horse points will go to “open” regardless of rider status, such as Three-Gaited Novice Horse. In open divisions, novice/limit rider classes will go to amateur (adult) or jr. exhibitor based on rider age.
Do Carolina-Owned classes now count?
Yes! Points are allocated to each respective Open division, such as Five-Gaited, Three-Gaited, etc. If I show in an AOT qualifier, but the show does not offer an AOT Championship, how do the championship class points count? For AOT categories, if an AOT qualifying class is offered but not an AOT Championship, the regular championship (Jr Exh or Adult depending on age of qualified rider) can count for AOT or regular points at the choice of the owner/rider.
If I show in Saddle Seat Equitation and Pleasure Equitation on a horse with a mane, how are the points counted for the various equitation classes?
Points are based on the specs of the class, not the horse being ridden. USEF Medal, UPHA Challenge Cup, and Good Hands classes count in Saddle Seat Eq. However if a rider qualifies in Pleasure Eq and a Pleasure Equitation Championship is not offered at a show, the SS Eq Championship can count for Pleasure Eq or SS Eq points at the choice of the rider.
May I e-mail my nomination or pay my membership online during a show so that show can count for points?
No, Nominations and memberships must be submitted no later than the day before a show starts.
Do Open Breed (OTAB/Opportunity) classes count for High Points?
In general – no. But there are a very few exceptions: Open To All Breed (OTAB) classes will count for high points only if the corresponding breed class is not offered. For example, Hunter/Sport will count if ASB Hunter Country Pleasure (including S & B Hunter Classic) is not offered. If Show Pleasure 12/U W/T and/or Co Pleasure W/T are not specifically offered, generic ASB Pleasure W/T or Open Walk/Trot Pleasure classes will count with points allocated to each category based on horse’s status and rider’s eligibility.
In which category do Ladies Amateur classes count – Ladies or Amateur?
Ladies Amateur classes count as Amateur classes.
What if a show does not offer 5-Gaited or 3-Gaited Pony classes?
If Saddle Pony classes (5-G, 3-G, Pleasure) are not offered, any available horse classes in the appropriate division count so long as an eligible jr. exhibitor is riding. Example: if no 5-Gaited Pony class is offered, a jr. exhibitor may show a pony in a 5-Gaited horse class and points will count for the pony category.
How do I get a show sanctioned that is not listed as an ASAC- sanctioned show?
Contact Susan Harris, Show Sanction Chair.​